Pearly Whites: Why Visiting the Dentist More Frequently Could Improve Your Smile

It's recommended that you visit the dentist at least once a year, assuming that you encounter no issues in the interim.  However, there are serious benefits to be gained from visiting more often than this.  Taking the time out to attend an appointment twice a year, for example, gives you double the time with a dentist.  Not only will that significantly increase your chances of having serious issues caught early on, such as gum disease, it will also help in other ways.

Identify Gum Disease

In the early stages of gum disease, known as gingivitis, it is often difficult for a patient to self-diagnose.  This is because symptoms are so subtle that you're unlikely to notice them unless you're specifically keeping an eye out for them — and know exactly what you're looking for.  Gingivitis in itself is not a huge problem and can be cleared up quite easily, but if it develops into serious gum disease, known as periodontitis, then you could have a much more serious issue on your hands.  Visiting a dentist more frequently means that you're likelier to catch gingivitis before it spreads and worsens.

Receive More Advice

If you only visit the dentist once every two years, for example, chances are that there'll only be time to cover the major bases in your appointment.  For example, if you have a small cavity to be filled, that will eat up a lot of time in your appointment.  Of course, you'll still receive a thorough check — but it's unlikely that there'll be time left over for your dentist to give you much general advice, and you'll likely need to make another appointment for the near future if too much is wrong.  The more often you go, the more time your dentist will have to give you small tips and suggestions about how to better take care of your teeth.  This kind of advice can actually prevent small issues in the long run and should brighten up your smile.

Enjoy a Cleaning

You can schedule a visit to the hygienist as part of your dental appointment, ensuring that your teeth are given a good, deep clean every time you go.  Doing this once every year ensures that they're kept in good condition.  Besides, having a nice professionally-cleaned base to start with may make it easier for your dentist to spot any problem areas in your mouth.

Of course, your schedule is busy enough as it is, and it may be frustrating to spend more time than you already do in the dentist's chair — but prevention is easier than treatment, and you may actually be saving yourself time in the long-term by catching problems before they really take root.  As such, why not book an appointment now and start forming the habit?  Your smile will thank you for it.
