5 Tips for a Whiter Smile

If you long for whiter teeth, then there are certain things you can do to make a whiter smile a reality. Follow these tips to make dental stains a thing of the past. 1. Don't Smoke The biggest help you can give your teeth to stay white is to quit smoking. Cigarettes stain teeth an unpleasant yellow colour. Smoking is also terrible for your overall dental health, so your dentist will be pleased with you if you kick the habit.

Teeth Whitening Questions and Answers

Even though teeth whitening is one of the most common dental procedures, many people still do not understand it fully. Here are some of the most common questions that people ask about teeth whitening, along with their answers. Why Is Teeth Whitening Needed? One of the biggest questions around teeth whitening is why it is necessary in the first place. Why don't teeth stay white on their own? The answer is that many of the foods and drinks that people regularly consume contain compounds that can stick to teeth and cause stains.

What Your Dentist Wants You to Know About the Menopause

Menopause is a hormonal event you can't avoid. What you can do, however, is manage your health in a way that lets you adapt to your new hormonal profile. One area you need to pay close attention to is your oral health. Here's what your dentist may want you to know about menopause. An Increased Risk of Gum Disease Did you know that your cheeks and gums contain oestrogen receptors? Oestrogen is a hormone your ovaries produce and it starts to drop when menopause begins.

4 Cavity Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Cavities are a common dental problem, but many people do not realise that they have a cavity until they visit the dentist and are told that they need a dental filling. By tuning into the signals that your mouth is trying to send, you could become aware of a cavity at a very early stage, which means that you can get treatment before it grows. Here are a few symptoms of dental cavities that you should never ignore.

Eating After a Dental Filling: Is It Straight Back to Business as Usual?

Having a cavity filled is an extremely simple process. You walk into the dental centre with the cavity, and shortly afterwards, you're walking out again with a restored tooth. Is it then straight back to business as usual in terms of eating and drinking? A Few Possible Obstacles While you can generally eat immediately after a cavity has been filled, there are a few possible obstacles to consider. Firstly, your jaw may still be numb from the procedure, meaning that it may be difficult to chew properly directly after having a cavity filled.