What Are Some of the Things a Cosmetic Dentist Can Help With?

People see dentists for all sorts of reasons. It's important to go to the dentist regularly for cancer screenings, cleanings, X-rays and more. Having preventive care done is important, and having surgeries and wisdom tooth removals may be needed at times, too. At other points, you may want to see a cosmetic dentist who can help you improve the appearance of your smile. Whether you just need a few minor fixes or much more major work done, a cosmetic dentist can probably help you so you can feel more confident about yourself. These are just some major examples of the different types of things that a cosmetic dentist can help you with. 

Whitening Teeth

All sorts of things can cause your teeth not to be as pretty and white as you might like. For example, smoking, drinking coffee or wine and more can all cause your teeth to become discolored. A cosmetic dentist can help you achieve the beautiful white smile that you're hoping for. For example, they can help you with teeth whitening either in-house or with a teeth whitening kit that you can take home and use.

If you aren't able to get the results that you're hoping for from teeth whitening procedures, this does not mean that you are out of options. In fact, your cosmetic dentist can talk to you about a variety of options. Dental bonding can be useful for covering up your teeth and making them whiter. Additionally, veneers can be a great option for covering up discolored teeth.

Making Misaligned Teeth Look Better

If your teeth are crooked or misaligned, you might not feel great about the look of your smile. To have your teeth permanently straightened, you may need to see an orthodontist to find out about options like braces or clear aligners. However, a cosmetic dentist can help you with a faster option that can make your misaligned teeth look better. For example, they can help with dental bonding or veneers that can make your teeth appear to be straighter than they are.

Improving the Appearance of Gaps

If you have gaps in-between your teeth, you might feel self-conscious about these gaps. There are different ways that a cosmetic dentist can help. For example, in many cases, cosmetic dentists will use dental bonding to help make gaps appear smaller.

These are just some of the things that a cosmetic dentist can help you with. To find out more about what can be done to make your smile look better, consider scheduling an appointment with a cosmetic dentist soon.
