A Guide to ClearCorrect and Invisalign

People with misaligned teeth may not only be afraid to smile, but they may also have self-esteem issues. If you have crooked teeth, you no longer have to worry since your dentist can straighten your teeth using ClearCorrect or Invisalign. Read the article below to learn more about the two options. 

What is Invisalign? 

Invisalign uses plastic adult aligners that resemble a mouthguard. The primary benefit of Invisalign is that the aligners are invisible. As such, they are a preferable option for people that would want to straighten their teeth inconspicuously. Unlike metal braces, Invisalign aligners are comfortable since they do not irritate the gums, teeth and tongue. For Invisalign to be effective, you must have the aligners on for at least 20 hours a day. Your orthodontist will regularly adjust the aligners to ensure your teeth are back in line. 

Below are a few Invisalign maintenance tips:

  1. Always remove the aligners before eating. This ensures that food does not get stuck in between the aligners.
  2. Clean the aligners at least once a day using toothpaste and a soft toothbrush.
  3. Remove the aligners gently starting from the furthest end.
  4. Store your aligners in their case. You could easily lose the braces since they are made from clear plastic. 

What is ClearCorrect? 

ClearCorrect also uses clear plastic trays to straighten teeth. The trays are made from thermoplastic polyurethane and are thinner than the Invisalign aligners. ClearCorrect trays should be used for around 22 hours each day. In addition to being invisible, the trays are comfortable and easy to maintain. Always remove the aligners before eating or drinking coloured drinks, such as cola and coffee, that may stain your teeth. Brush your teeth or rinse your mouth before inserting the aligners. 

ClearCorrect or Invisalign? 

Both Invisalign and ClearCorrect are suitable options when you need to straighten your teeth. Below are a few tips to help you choose an appropriate option:

  1. Availability. You may choose either of the options based on their availability.
  2. Costs. If your health insurance does not cover your dental expenses, you may opt for the cheaper option.
  3. Thickness. ClearCorrect aligners are thinner than those of Invisalign. As such, it is a suitable option for patients who prefer thin aligners.
  4. Comfort. Different people have varying opinions regarding the comfort of ClearCorrect and invisalign. As such, you may try either of the aligners and choose the most comfortable one. 

Consult an orthodontist if you wish to use Invisalign or ClearCorrect aligners. Your choice of orthodontist should be experienced and licensed to practice in your state. 

With the above tips, you should have an easy time straightening your teeth. Reach out to a dental professional for more information about ClearCorrect and Invisalign aligners.
